Monday, October 26, 2009

Lactulose Causing Teeth Problems

Photos and Videos

Love Thrill The World viewers

If you were on site and pictures or videos you made of the zombies it would be great if you could send us copies of it via e-mail: !
If you are agree I would not upload the photos and / or videos for the other participants, but even if you do not publish them but they would want a great memory for the event team.

Announces you via email! Thank you! :)

Thrill The World 2009 Tübingen Germany

are photos from the event is also available on the website of Zoo York:

Woman Sit On Woman Stomach


Approximately 23,000 people in 32 countries danced "Thriller" at the same time
Raising over $85,000 USD for over 80 charities
World Record broken for Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance with the Record Holders Republic

The 2009 Thrill The World event occurred on October 25th, 2009, at 12:30am GMT/UTC (which was October 24 in some parts of the world). This year's Thrill The World was an unprecedented global success, celebrating the life and music of Michael Jackson.

Now in its third year, Thrill The World’s participant numbers have increased exponentially from the initial 62 dancers in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2006, which resulted in a Guinness World Record, to approximately 23,000 people in 32 countries dancing "Thriller" at the same time in 2009. This total easily surpasses last year's record of 4,179 people for Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance with the Record Holders Republic. This year, TTW raised over $100,000 USD for over 80 charities and non-profit groups.

In July 2009, following the death of Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones acknowledged Thrill The World in an open letter to the media. He wrote, “In every language on the planet, from prison yards in the Philippines to, that will be the beautiful, grand legacy of Michael Jackson.”

This incredible tribute to Michael Jackson was founded in 2006 by Ines Markelle, a dance choreographer and instructor in Toronto, Canada. It is Markelle’s unprecedented “Thriller” dance instructional teaching videos that make it possible for dancers, non-dancers, young and the young at heart to learn the dance in a very short time. New “Thriller” dancers have then gone on to teach other event participants.

Join us in 2010 as we Thrill The World! Visit for complete list of events!

Thrill The World
Ines Markelle, Creator and Director
+1‐647‐988‐4637 •


Thrill The World 2009
Message from Ines Markelle
Creator & Director of Thrill The World
Dear Participants of Thrill The World,
Thank you for being a part of the 3rd annual Thrill The World: a worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”
This project could not be possible without people like you. Through your commitment and charity work in TTW, you are making a difference in this world…and hopefully having a great time doing it! Keep pursuing your dreams, since you’ve helped me realize a dream by watching as the world comes together in dance.
Now that you have completed the dance, there are some last minute details that will help ensure you receive a memento of this amazing experience. Please make sure that your full name and email address are neatly and legibly filled in on the Waiver & Sign In Sheets. Thrill The World 2009 Certificates of Participation can only be emailed to individuals who entered their full name and a correct email address.
[If you do not have an email address, tell your Event Manager to receive the certificate for you and arrange to pick it up in November.]
The names of all participants, whose names appear legibly and checked off in the box stating they wish their name to appear on the list, will appear on the 2009 Participant List on
If you wish to contact the Event Manager for the event you attended, you can reach them here:
I hope you keep dancing and know that now you are capable of so much more than you first believed.
Your continued support is what makes this happen. Please check out for upcoming dance DVDs, workshops and other local and global special events.
Yours in dance and joy,
Ms. Ines Mark Elle
Creator & Director, Thrill The World
(Thrill The World is an entirely volunteer run project for over 3 years. Please Donate to support Mark Ines Elle, who has dedicated (volunteered) over 3 years to TTW.)


At this point, still a great praise and Thank you to all participants and supporters! You were great!

TTW Tübingen, ghost-and horror-bop-in-global-Formation -_arid, 81628.html

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Writing Style Of Lorraine Hansberry


The day is coming and for that reason now follow the exact schedule:

Saturday, 10/24, 18 clock . rehearsal, Zoo Tübingen ( http://www. ).
We dance the choreography through until it is, accept your registration forms and test technology and special effects;). (Please bring the form already filled in so we goes off as much if not more Paperwork to be completed. ;) If you are under 18 must be signed by a parent or guardian on the form . Otherwise we will also anger. ;))
your costume you have to bring it yet.

approximately 20:30-1:30 clock : You have time to throw you in your zombie outfit. Kostümtips is here: .
(If you have a longer How to get there and need a place to find help getting changed in the other side!)

10/25, 1:30 clock (Sunday morning) .
We will meet again in front of the zoo. It is still a bit of time for last minute Ouftit tuning as face painting, but the suit should be ready.
Report to me your signs, in the list (if you are there and whether your name may be published on the web) and participants will be counted.

2:30 clock : THRILL TIME. We start the dance, together with all other events in the world!

Around 2:40 clock : It still took pictures. Then you've got to me again at the sign-out log and then would be all the paperwork done for the world record. Then may be celebrated extensively! ;)

If you have specified your email address legibly;) you will get Ines then a certificate for your participation at the world record and your name appears on the official site.

If there are any queries, simply notify you with me! :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cleaning Computer Monitor

rehearsal schedule

The dress rehearsal will start on Saturday 24.10. by 18 clock in front of the Zoo Tübingen . Who can not have me know!
We will then receive your registration forms and to dance the choreography to all sit down. Please remember to bring the form already filled out and signed. Thank you. :)

you have from 20:30 bis 1:00 clock time you have to move home, so you need not bring the costume to the dress rehearsal!

And do not forget .. Say the words! "Shoulder step, nothing step, shoulder step ..." ;)

PS Note time change:

by the time switching to winter time until AFTER the dance at 3:00 clock instead!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Hook Up A Hard Drive To A Tv

What you have to bring to the event

Here is a checklist of things that you must bring to the event, in order to participate:

- Your completed and signed registration form (if we do not have it already). For young people under 18 to be a signature of parent or guardian!
- your ID card
- your zombie costume

The design of the costume is up to yourself. Whether classical Dawn Of The Dead zombie, zombie nurses, cheerleaders or construction workers - is the principle of all, the main thing undead. :) Let your imagination run wild! Who
not know exactly how to apply make-up, gets local help from us! Make-up utensils, such as white primer ("ghost white") for the pale complexion or fake blood gets her way at the moment, thanks to impending Halloween, relatively cheap in any well-stocked supermarket. ;)

Have fun and be creative when making your zombie costume for Thrill The World. Try to view the original Thriller video to observe the zombies' costumes, hair, make-up and facial expressions for more ideas.

Prepare your costume PRIOR to arriving to Thrill The World.
There will not be enough time to cut and dirty your costume on site!

1. Go to thrift shops or rummage your parents’ closets.
2. Cover as much of your body as possible with clothing since this will require less zombie make-up.
3. Wear dark coloured, burial clothing. Unless you were killed/ died somewhere where you did not receive a proper burial in a suit and coffin.
4. Old fashioned, unflattering outfits are most effective. Or you can also be a dead celebrity!
5. Add dirt, marks, and torn holes to your costume. Use dirt, black marker, black/brown shoe polish. Cut or tear your costume with a scissor, knife, or run over your suit with a car to leave tire tracks!!
6. Appear as though you’ve risen from the dead.
7. Wear comfortable, dark shoes that you can dance in for a few hours. Heels? Not so much.
8. Add baby powder to your clothes and hair to appear dusty.

You will have a short amount of time to do your costume, hair, make-up and eat before we perform.

· Ensure that your make-up does not obstruct your vision. No masks. Watch out for fake blood dripping into your eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses.
· For your hair: hairspray it up, tease it, wear a wig, go crazy!
· Zombie drool: In a plastic cup, mix corn syrup and red/blue/green food dye. Food dye directly in your mouth looks cool, but it MAY stain dental work.
· Add baby powder to your hair to look gray or on to your clothes to look dusty. Do NOT get it on the floor because it makes the floor slippery = safety hazard.
· For makeup: use theatrical makeup, or regular makeup: dark eyeshadows under your eyes, red lipstick for “blood”, pale foundation, eyeliners, fake blood.
· If using a lot of makeup, make sure to moisturize well first, as this will make removal of makeup easier, and will make sure your skin is not damaged.

found behind the cut examples of her costume and make-up from different cities, which last year took part:

Who wants to see more photos you can browse here: 22thrill =% + the + world% 22 & m = text

the exact schedule you learn also stay tuned here, then! ;)