Sunday, April 15, 2007

Zulu Tango Sierra Meaning

It's Summertime, Baby!

Yeah ... I know is really only spring, but temperatures are something of abnormal high that you really in the calendar for confirmation look. The days have at the moment the somewhat annoying habit of being in the morning rather cold, requiring a jacket during the day will be so warm, however, that it is properly sweating, and the jacket of course does not help. Jack favors the problem is the fact that I now almost always 0730 at the University must, if it really is something fresh. Well, it is still warm enough that you can also go the same morning without a jacket, at least if you believe the meteorologists who predict another hot summer.

to business. The second week is over, the third is imminent. A "real" week now I have still not seen since Easter was so, what had made the Monday to Schontag. A true assessment of whether the end of the week in order or rather stressful nature, so it is still not possible. Right now I go all the holidays any way to the eggs - always full of chaos, it comes in at all, no routine. Also on the Keck I feel the never ending Gerühre end in the curriculum. After we had only managed last week to move the sensor event, so that the Thursday was reduced to a tolerable length, began already back at some of my fellow students of any recent moves, so in any appointments bridge days are free, so a long weekend results and the esteemed gentlemen often can not be at home or as much back and forth have to drive. The whole thing in itself is not the most absurd idea, but a modified approach to change before the first change ever could have any effect, is the survey but then in the highest degree detrimental. Another change that was made right in the first week, concerned the exercise of Theoretical Physics. There, the two weekly Exercise so split that take place every week for all of 45 minutes each, instead of a full 90 minutes for each group every two weeks. Has the advantage that all uniformly of failures (due to holidays) and affected more or less are on the same page. My stupid way Thursday morning, so now resembles a Swiss cheese: 90 minutes Numerics, 120-minute break, 45 minutes of practice for Theoretical Physics, 135 minute lunch break and then again in 1990 Lectures in theoretical physics. With all the breaks is to be done purely garnix to drink except coffee. If the exercise now would be even every two weeks still, I would at least every two weeks, a break with the you could do something, but because of two hours, I do not need to run home because I'm on the road longer than in my room. Further you can make in 45 minutes in an exercise not really create something, some facts need to do more than an hour, to be properly explained and dealt with examples. I particularly

is currently in the convulsive-mom-to-home-Hockerei some fellow students on my nerves. Can not be true that this must be permanent. If there was of the variety for us not quite so many times, sometimes on a large scale would be an ESM-barbecue on weekends, which would have the advantage that for the next day any thoughts would make about any of courses. But no, we must indeed all home - wasn kindergarten. I think it's a shame that people gather together people still only have to do if you want time to do something. Jens on Friday had called for example, a dip in the Booze, what had become in effect a really nice thing. Exposure: more than three people do not ware! Actually I am one of those people who prefer smaller groups, but if that ever becomes the only viable option, I am also slowly thought out the rest remain constant.

Whatever. Friday night so a nice little round of very heavy metal soundtrack in Booze. It was considered in this round to a barbecue on Saturday was, what was but postponed in favor of an ESM-Full-scale barbecue action. I thought at least. It seems that on Saturday morning but had separated from a larger bunch of people on the grill idea, so the whole thing was then carried out yet. It was thus in 2000 a peace castle and tried to take the barbecue into operation. That turned out to be something zeitäufwendiger than expected, but ultimately it had finally worked out and a considerable amount of meat found its way over the fire in our stomachs. After a couple of steaks and beers there was green lookup. No, I did not go under the tree huggers, the look-up consisted of two gentlemen of Folklore society, confront us with the fact that they had complained about us because of the smoke. Hm, what can you say? Also complained that someone was due to noise in the area have been of what one might have expected, but smoke? It was there between the houses so windy that there is no cloud of smoke (which, admittedly, it was twice briefly) had longer able to keep. The officers then saw no proven justification for the complaint and moved to have taken no personal again. Soon after we moved us then in an apartment, so it was all checked off anyway. A few beers later, was it for Freiberger conditions against 0300 in the morning rather late conclusion.

Hail to the Gun.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Personalized Christening Napkins

tinten_klecks @ 2007-04-11T21: 10:00

Who actually said that global warming is so terrible
Yes I know that sounds not very verantworungsvoll - and I am also aware that this is quite terrible with all the animal and plant species are dying out all the floods, which will come and all these disasters, I do not like it - but only just today I have some very positive aspects of this most decried global warming realized. It may so many animals become extinct, at least I can not help but enjoy it when I start to doze off in mid-April in the T-shirt with rolled up trouser legs lazily in the garden without me is cool even in the slightest. I can not complain if I have the whole day in early summer feeling (including ice cream go) and I can not help me, so irresponsible and ignorant may seem, it is nice if it so early in the year is so warm, I love it and I have absolutely nothing mind if it stays that way, honestly.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Dentitex Electric Toothbrush

new sounds and buttons

Sun the first week of the new semester would be made hereby. However, it should be noted that it was not a very long week. First, it was announced yesterday due to Sleep Good Friday, on the other in one week with an even number not so many events taking place in an odd numbered. A little uneven and I was wondering if you would not have anything more evenly distributed make, but you can once again nothing. No matter, will have to survive somehow.

As for the courses as such, has also nothing special done in terms of employment fields. A math course, English, some practical, some with electricity, something really annoying of economics and a large chunk of physics. Almost as in the first semester only with other courses, but the same stitch. Let's see how all eintaktet then, I think there might come as something more labor-intensive times on us, especially in theoretical physics, we will probably have to turn to. Organizationally, however, we had already solved one problem and others, although there were only four days of trial operation. Compulsory fumble after the rooms this year was almost not at all important, may be because we really know a great deal already and with the rooms that are unknown, at least ever get the general direction is clear. There has managed one of the professors have my own personal anger charge. What a lazy sack! Can not be. On offense: We have a lecture at the chemists, exact issue is unknown, because the title only of the general and numbers only. In any event, this course according to schedule to take place only every two weeks. Sometimes something is so then transformed it every week, this is happening, but only half a semester. As far as a problem. The problems begin when the worthy gentleman, it is not on the series gets the whole audience by the change in knowledge to set. In hindsight, we know where is the slip of paper on which all the important details are noted. Just stop the damn thing is in "chemistry" and not yet zustätzlich under "other courses". If I have to scour for such eventualities in the future, all subjects that are part of programs with which I have to do something just somehow, I feel nothing but fumble not to study. What darned again there are the mail server? About the thing is so much garbage, that really will not have to do is to increase the spam mail with one of its load, which is in the red zone were fully ready for it to further 10 mails per day no longer matters.

Yesterday was the end of the week and after we had managed to move the Sensorikveranstaltugen, so Thursday is not so long planned a visit to the devil. The cellar pub "Hell" is the successor of departure, even a year ago after the court wrangling and reports of disturbances and what-do-I-had been closed. The locality is thus the same, the inventory was a little makeover and Getränekkarte is new, but otherwise everything is pretty much the same. Something very recently it was yesterday, but that apart, the store lost none of his old coziness. The round was but small, and manageable, as many have been because of the long weekend home, but that did not detract from a relaxing evening.

be very gratifying, I would describe the development of my account. New friends or love for life, I have indeed found it yet - but for a few new bands. The discovery is the moment about the point "similar artists" and not on the recommendations, nevertheless I am not already stumbled over three to five new bands who deserve some attention. The recommendations run with me at the moment somewhat irrelevant, since my main bands recommended be, who I have known and have since I guess I just have not heard just recently. The concept of "musical neighbors" I think somehow a bit strange, because you get criticized because of 50 new people, so I feel it run over something, and sometimes quite apart from running because apparently no real difference. But let's see what happens however, may manifest purpose of some things a little later.

Next innovation. Because my old rattled so much, I have me a new keyboard risen. The former was in principle still, but I went in recently, the loose connections to the pointer. I also know exactly what it is, just Unfortunately, because nothing can be done to find out the order - which I no longer wanted. Debt is at all, again Arnoc because he made me zugelabert so that he At length new equipment. I could also like to see all the stuff that he had sought out, part by part, and I then got my hand on one or another idea. What the heck. Now I have such a fancy ergonomic part under the fingers, although not wireless, but not (yet) with no interruptions of any nature whatsoever.

In the setup of my keyboard I have the same time the whole desk area, rather the corner with the Electronics reorganized. The cables can be had in fact quite tangled that the setting up of laptop and external hard disk last time to a full-fumbling had left. Also had collected between all cables, power supplies and connectors under the table a considerable amount of dust and lint, which also had to be removed again. My FritzBox, the landline phone and the Digi-station received new seats and power cables for the devices that I often take time to go to Frankfurt, now around the front, so I do not each time have to give to the stationary stuff. I also have all the parts that were otherwise on the floor, packed in a wooden box - In the hope of the adherence of dust particles flying around a bit combat. On top of this construct is now the printer, desöfteren to his old place but unfortunately time was allowed to close acquaintance with my feet, that this is not necessarily intended. Finally, missing is the decision of whether I actually down a scanner and if so, how. If that too is on the stage, I'm sitting around here all you can think up and use. (Editor's note: An airsoft rocket launching platform with USB control may indeed belong to the former, but hardly the latter.)

Hail to the Gun.