Sunday, April 15, 2007

Zulu Tango Sierra Meaning

It's Summertime, Baby!

Yeah ... I know is really only spring, but temperatures are something of abnormal high that you really in the calendar for confirmation look. The days have at the moment the somewhat annoying habit of being in the morning rather cold, requiring a jacket during the day will be so warm, however, that it is properly sweating, and the jacket of course does not help. Jack favors the problem is the fact that I now almost always 0730 at the University must, if it really is something fresh. Well, it is still warm enough that you can also go the same morning without a jacket, at least if you believe the meteorologists who predict another hot summer.

to business. The second week is over, the third is imminent. A "real" week now I have still not seen since Easter was so, what had made the Monday to Schontag. A true assessment of whether the end of the week in order or rather stressful nature, so it is still not possible. Right now I go all the holidays any way to the eggs - always full of chaos, it comes in at all, no routine. Also on the Keck I feel the never ending Gerühre end in the curriculum. After we had only managed last week to move the sensor event, so that the Thursday was reduced to a tolerable length, began already back at some of my fellow students of any recent moves, so in any appointments bridge days are free, so a long weekend results and the esteemed gentlemen often can not be at home or as much back and forth have to drive. The whole thing in itself is not the most absurd idea, but a modified approach to change before the first change ever could have any effect, is the survey but then in the highest degree detrimental. Another change that was made right in the first week, concerned the exercise of Theoretical Physics. There, the two weekly Exercise so split that take place every week for all of 45 minutes each, instead of a full 90 minutes for each group every two weeks. Has the advantage that all uniformly of failures (due to holidays) and affected more or less are on the same page. My stupid way Thursday morning, so now resembles a Swiss cheese: 90 minutes Numerics, 120-minute break, 45 minutes of practice for Theoretical Physics, 135 minute lunch break and then again in 1990 Lectures in theoretical physics. With all the breaks is to be done purely garnix to drink except coffee. If the exercise now would be even every two weeks still, I would at least every two weeks, a break with the you could do something, but because of two hours, I do not need to run home because I'm on the road longer than in my room. Further you can make in 45 minutes in an exercise not really create something, some facts need to do more than an hour, to be properly explained and dealt with examples. I particularly

is currently in the convulsive-mom-to-home-Hockerei some fellow students on my nerves. Can not be true that this must be permanent. If there was of the variety for us not quite so many times, sometimes on a large scale would be an ESM-barbecue on weekends, which would have the advantage that for the next day any thoughts would make about any of courses. But no, we must indeed all home - wasn kindergarten. I think it's a shame that people gather together people still only have to do if you want time to do something. Jens on Friday had called for example, a dip in the Booze, what had become in effect a really nice thing. Exposure: more than three people do not ware! Actually I am one of those people who prefer smaller groups, but if that ever becomes the only viable option, I am also slowly thought out the rest remain constant.

Whatever. Friday night so a nice little round of very heavy metal soundtrack in Booze. It was considered in this round to a barbecue on Saturday was, what was but postponed in favor of an ESM-Full-scale barbecue action. I thought at least. It seems that on Saturday morning but had separated from a larger bunch of people on the grill idea, so the whole thing was then carried out yet. It was thus in 2000 a peace castle and tried to take the barbecue into operation. That turned out to be something zeitäufwendiger than expected, but ultimately it had finally worked out and a considerable amount of meat found its way over the fire in our stomachs. After a couple of steaks and beers there was green lookup. No, I did not go under the tree huggers, the look-up consisted of two gentlemen of Folklore society, confront us with the fact that they had complained about us because of the smoke. Hm, what can you say? Also complained that someone was due to noise in the area have been of what one might have expected, but smoke? It was there between the houses so windy that there is no cloud of smoke (which, admittedly, it was twice briefly) had longer able to keep. The officers then saw no proven justification for the complaint and moved to have taken no personal again. Soon after we moved us then in an apartment, so it was all checked off anyway. A few beers later, was it for Freiberger conditions against 0300 in the morning rather late conclusion.

Hail to the Gun.


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