Sunday, September 12, 2010

N Scale Bookshelf Layouts



Lang ist's her und irgendwie nur noch eine vage Erinnerung an eine viel zu geilen Zeit.

Und irgendwie hab ich in all dem Chaos der letzten Wochen total vergessen, diesen Eintrag mal zu schreiben. *drop*

Aber damit auch diese geile Zeit festgehalten ist, hier nun A report to it. For all who were present and should finally know what they missed and all who were there and again should have realized how geilomatico it really was.

Mera Luna, what is it?

first Ride, with much anticipation and ultimate Rumgealber: 2

Styles Location:

third The Elf army!

4th The Party - Dream Team :

5th delicious food and alcohol, the water of life:

6th freaky people on stage (our Mucke for a shower ^ ^) :

7th freaky people in front of the stage (and sponsored propaganda ^ ^) :

8th Pause:

9th Delicious breakfast (here healthy milk * g *) in camping chaos

10th M U S I K ! (small selection)

a: Unholy:

b: we now know that seen the stage show, and you may die at last, The sisters of mercy

c: " (? cute is not it), heavy "Miracle of Extreme :

d: The Other: for that we Krauch even earlier without a shower out of bed and throw us into the masses:

f: Placebo:

11. Another nice entertainment surprises

12th Art:

13th Tent party with funny people / animals

14th completely finished but happy return (or break with McDoof do * g *) :

And that's it. Just awesome! Love it!


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