Friday, January 12, 2007

How To Become A Electrician In Missouri

Yes, yes, I am again. But has now lasted really long and I am guilty also one or the other report, but it looks suspiciously like it, that I am here in Freiberg somehow had not the muse for writing. Would give me trouble to the effect, because these eternal summaries of nearly two weeks in a report so are not the best thing, I can promise nothing. So now another part of Alucard's demolition calendar. After

before the New Year's Eve planning yes, some inconsistencies had to be clarified - which, fortunately dissolve everything in pleasure read - it was finally from 2100 on in Redbacks habitat. Her mother was mitsammt dog to her boyfriend to Hungary evaporated. Drinks and other necessary items the day before had been organized by RedBack, Dömsen and JustJoe and stored, so were expected from this side, no more disasters. In the course of the night or of the corresponding morning was to have found that unexpectedly overtaken the beer was already all but amazingly, this was not a problem, apparently had all had enough or alternatives found. I had for my part, I made changes in the fun with beer and vodka martini cozy, which had the nice side effect I was not too drunk and not later, according to Hung.

regard to the guest list is to be noted that extreme for a New Year's party, many people were there, I had never seen before. The students were on one of Redback and other friends and fellow students from JustJoe. Then, surprisingly, appeared to have a guy with whom I had the time gesssen times in physics at the LK Lessing. About which corners one was there then come together again I've not figure it out, but still funny. Furthermore, were there, Raph, Ro, Stefan, Janina, and the usual suspects halt. Janina lies in the way, find a mate, respect Martini (in their case without containing vodka). For musical entertainment was provided on Dömsens laptop. The thing is though stone age equivalent to that it has fulfilled its service after a few teething problems.

I am delighted Peter was also short time since, I see even more rare. Moreover Maubi and Arnoc were then eingetrudelt but still at some point. In this framework, we also moved the bottle Viking blood that has not yet found, to his body. Otherwise, only to say that there is a peaceful event without any Escapades or other doomsday scenarios were. Against me for 0730 was then concluded. Happy New Year. Off to bed.

All the images that you find here, I'm with my new Digi shot at the party. In summary it can be said about the images just that you can see quite well how broken that was all really, though nothing special had happened. Sounds strange, but Sun

Hail to the Gun.

My tales of war are the stories most asked for around the fires at night, but they're the ones I care least to tell.
--- unknown war veteran


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