Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dog Crates For French Bulldogs


have out from inactivity, I decided to write here again what.

(inactivity in a double sense: I have just decided today not to go to Capoeira, and if you look at the date, you quickly to the other aspect.)

But inaction also has its good sides. I have not long believed, but lately I have it must recognize the own experiment: She is damn necessary. In any case for me. Inactivity, boredom, hanging out, all that is uninteresting, has its own highly legitimate role in the divine creation: energy. Recharge. If I'm not hanging around long, I notice even on me as I am constant ko and I can not focus properly, so I would like to hereby clearly a plea for the boring inactivity (or inactive long while, because there is finally an active release).

Simply doing nothing. Level without any fanfictions read or write it. Maybe a bit rumklimpern half-heartedly on the guitar and pretend as if you practice. All eat chocolate, which can be found in the house only. Do not go to Capoeira. A beautiful, thoroughly enjoy any heart attacks days before the screen. It is the negation of the ubiquitous commandment, "Thou shalt be interesting / active / fun!" Itself. It is actually in itself a form of rebellion, if you look at it that way, and so far worthy of protection because you can now only rebel against so few social issues. And the beautiful is that it takes no energy for that!


however: How does this then my new credo to the fact that I break my months of inactivity LJ now? I have no idea, am at the moment but also far too inactive to think about it ;-)


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