Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hydrogen Price In 2009

Here I Stand

... with gold in my hands. What frankly, was not expected. The two oral tests are against any assessment extremely well turned out - that later. First ... so what really? Hm .. somehow I am grad somehow confused it. That was the whole week now that way. Somehow I came in not that right back into the rhythm Freiberger, there were also no date. For a change, this is probably again a record that is not run by the calendar schema. In and of itself is on some days is nothing happened, it would be worth about the report really.

now I'll start just with the obvious, perhaps crystallized it turns out the thread somehow by itself. The "obvious" in this case, the two oral exams. For last Tuesday, the electronics testing and was scheduled for Wednesday the examination for the physics / chemistry-basic course. As reported in the last entry, I had my time again today, unfortunately, common problems with preparation. In this case, was further aggravated that I had never really done with an oral examination. The small skirmishes in the Abi is one of history do not really, because I was there from the beginning was a lost cause and the cause but also very different than here expired at the university. But as always is that, I was faced with the question what was the best to learn now - a question to which one always gets the answer probably only in the test itself. While it was clear that it is the basics and not hair-splitting details, but the border between the two is well known, arbitrarily - if at all. In physics and chemistry, I was so run down by the amount of learning material that I finally got almost nothing done. Alone get an overview of the entire kinematics and then the main points of manageable so that a) the key formulas by heart, and b) all relationships modest white and can also give corresponding information, a task with one months to bring can. Not forgetting, of course, are also the electrostatics and dynamics, for which we together can once again spend the same time. What has particularly disturbed about chemistry was that the lecture is presented only excerpts of the main elements of the PSE, but without being seen a real concept. One would have to cancel the lecture and read almost entirely for a book on fabric properties. Quite different, however, it was in electronics. We knew exactly what was expected of us - there was even a nice list on the main points were noted for preparation. Problem here was that all that stuff is so complicated and obscure, that one can spend hours studying a single component, without in the slightest to somehow get ahead. This situation has me so pretty much everything can doubt what the Verstaltung "basic electronics" had to. Quite so doom and gloom and not really land in sight.

on Tuesday so the moment of truth had arrived. To my great enthusiasm, was the first question or task to explain to the junction field-effect transistor - a very customizable thank you thing. Thankfully, this is because a lot and can explain fully, without leaning really far out the window while having to abzudrifften in poorly manageable climes. The next point was operational amplifier. I do not like to really, because it really all or nothing can be meant. Before there could get any more strange questions, I then quickly explained the basic aim of the amplifier using some filters and hoped that one is satisfied. Apparently handed the fact, I was in fact sent out so that a note could be established. When I was called in again was one of the usual rates before the score was announced (which have probably say something before there is the note): "As you have surely noticed, were there some gaps in some places ..." Ahhh, yes ... I'm not sweating, because it is so in the space was nice and warm ... "I think a 1.3 should be reasonable - you can live with it" Yeah, sure I can live with that, but again: WHAT? I'm really, who takes me on the arm. Just as I was prepared, should have come just a couple of other questions and I were smooth failed - and asks me in all seriousness, if I can live with a 1.3 - sick world. On Wednesday it was going to run similar to: actually not really any idea, but still ne 1.3 clear. Once again had luck also.

For Wednesday evening Iven had been proposed on Sunday a small dip in the Miners. After my exams were so outstanding run, I was of course no more reluctant. Drake and Alex were unfortunately again went directly home and therefore not of the party. The whole Erstis were Jens apart not yet arrived back in Freiberg, and the five were on Thursday still a test. Iven, who was to have its first test on Friday said, then quickly off even as he had found some that should be better prepared yet. In order to fill the round but still something that I still have quickly called Roy, who then was still. My attempt to fill the round continued with local residence from the long hair group in StudiVZ , but did not succeed. Let's see, maybe I'm doing in this regard later times more a thread on, just to connect a few circles and make new contacts. The Miners then it was a comfortable three-round, during which I gave Jens a few suggestions for next semester on the road. I have also recruited him for .

What I would be the next point. After Arnoc had indeed purchased a account, he had tried to persuade me and to the cause. I do not know why, but somehow I had no nerves in the moment and the first thing disappeared into oblivion. After his last entry here in LJ and I in the blog because of the "Greeks" still out encountered was that the matter was excavated again, and I've even taken the time to take matters into closer look. Ultimately, the "only" a small prog that goes over the musical activities of the user directory, and a database, which shall be prepared from the collected data charts and make recommendations. Each user has a mandatory page where you can spend some details of yourself, friends lists and the usual groups there are. A really nice thing to come up with new ideas. There are also a calendar of events, may indicate on the one on which you want to attend concerts and festivals in the near future (or already has taken part), which also there is the possibility to make musical "relatives" and get to know.

Yesterday was the end of the generously filled with dates planned a trip to weeks Fraunhofer Institute in Erlangen . In summary it can be said that this was the best of all field trips almost. There have been taught many factual things, as it was in the papers sometimes discussed in more detail some of the details would be passed over by the two organizations in the middle of March, also once was a short conversation with one or the other "insiders" possible. The latter is surely because we are a full day and a half have not only stayed on the ground. This (and because we are a little late to arrive), the program was not as completely what lies the opportunity for some small talk. But be estimated for round-trip total of seven hours had, I was after I was here shortly after 2000, again in my habitat, but killed plenty. So even for a nice Campari-O before the telly and then off to bed.

Today was once again standing up my damn inertia with respect to the first item on the agenda. Got it just managed to buy more before the store closes its doors in 1400 until Monday. Back first recognized a coffee. During the most was going through, I got the Purchases stowed and orientation relative to the recorded past online activities. This weekend it could be fairly quiet as far as I know Arnoc in Stuttgart bored and visited people from the above StudiVZ Group. I would indeed enjoy being, only it is from here to Stuttgart a darn world tour. Moreover, lately the traveling between Frankfurt and Freiberg has gone to hell money. If I understand overviews I've been the beginning of nearly a thousand got rid of. Since the Meteinkauf and so some other stuff is of course still do, but if I'm honest, I will allow myself the moment any more than a trip per quarter. That is not to exaggerated Economy or something, but just the simple realization and the resulting horror that my balance since I am a student has stagnated, even though at the end of each month, but some should remain, and indeed could.

In the sense


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