Alter Schwede! The weather is really unbearable again, the rains have been a half weeks now determined more or less continuously. What can not stand, is that I again had problems to get together, what the past week has been going on.
27th February
Once on Sunday and Monday there was nothing going on, I was happy but again significantly on the Tuesday with his usual and chiseled in stone regarding the planning process. The cellar was well filled, so also taken care of adequately party was. I had mine for the evening, a habit of Arnocs rumpöbelnderweise properties and moved through the halls and made me unpopular, and at the other corner. What bothered me somewhat of the evening was the music. Not that the choice would have been bad or something now, but it has not torn socks off me. No idea why, maybe I was not even placed accordingly. At some point, had actually still something TV celebrities run in our shrine of heavy metal (l) s: it was suddenly one of the three guys present who moderates RTL2 a cooking show in which they roam the land and overturn complete kitchens if this lack of professionalism. Funny fellow, as far as I can assess from our brief conversation out. The info that I stayed until the end or has made me more from the field, has unfortunately eaten forgetfulness.
first March
Although Thursdays actually nothing else is going on, they returned this time in a Mephisto. The occasion was simply the fact that the killer the next day off and had thus gained the evening did not want to pass up. Because of the unusual weekday probably also the recruitment of participants designed a little difficult. Arnoc was the next working day before the eyes too costly the schooner was once again not reached, the chips Fritze had something else in planning and JustJoe also had an early start to lie the next day. It was then that we sit there and only used for two pure beer dumped (in my case the mandatory Andechs) in us. Incidentally, I've experimented a little with my Digi. The small table stand is in itself a very funny thing, just photographed it in Mephisto really bad. If one does not use the candlelight setting or the flash, is seen purely to nothing in the pictures. Problem here is that the candle light pictures are due to the exposure times of up to four seconds almost always blurred and the images with Flash support Just look somehow sterile.
Later still came to Miriam and RedBack. The two had anyway provided you share in the evening to do something together and had kindly allow me to redirect Mephisto as reinforcement. In contrast to Dömsen. The lies are not even move on persuasion of the two ladies to be set in motion. May well have been because he was sick. Too bad but not to change. Eventually, Pedro did finally call it quits and we flew out. Miriam and I are still after us on the road had become too cold, under consideration for a little palaver with me. 0400 was the subject we but also bringing an end to what was probably enough for a Thursday late or early.
Hail to the Gun.
If you think about whether this or similar could be done effectively by people who want to pack his things and prefer to run out into the darkness. Only away from the people and everything that surrounds them and what their sick mind could possibly enter them.
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