Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Screen Argo Starch Recipe

Beer in a Bathtub

So! It is now and then. The statistical examination is ready prepared - or not. To be honest, I do not understand a word of the stuff. This promises to be plenty of interest on Wednesday. But anyway, that brings nothing now anyway. As I said, I am tomorrow and Wednesday tabsüber not even there, but as of Wednesday evening, I should be back in the country. So on with the demolition calendar.

10th February
After I had already Friday night made extensively something and scruffy and the day from Saturday generously been (the stupid book for math was not there still), I was in the evening really not so sure that I should be open at all to Phillips birthday after maximum. Somehow I was a bit dull in the head and stomach - not quite fit halt. In the absence of better ideas and because of the reluctance even to the evening doing nothing, but then I went on anyway. After a short wait for my train and I was there several minutes later at the highest railway station. The way to the party I had looked on the map, so even walk through the maximum expired without much bleeding. Once there, I was JustJoe received and views presented to the troops quickly. He could have saved but can, because I just like New Year's Eve still can hardly remember a name of those, but what the heck. Maybe it will work out eventually. What one but not soon forget is, the sight of the bathtub:

It should be noted that this was the level after drinking two and a half hours, at the beginning it will probably still have looked hearty. Accurate can be said anymore because I was pushed to later. Just to get on with my problem: The people compilation of the day was a bit confused anyway. First, there were familiar faces like the chips and Fritze JustJoe - actually Arnoc was still invited, but could not - the other still Raph (who was the DJ) and Ro, the fellow students from all over the Highest JustJoe halt, then this crazy guy, including friend, whom I had met with in our Arnoc Easy Livin' evening at the swivel, and - to make the mess complete - the Michael I know about the killer. It was there with changing interlocutors haywire, until eventually almost all of a sudden was no longer on the legs. Some were probably the last train, some were drunk in corners or simply disappeared in the private rooms of the flat-dwellers. After then entered a few problems with the sound system, it went some way further and further downhill. At the end of this downturn in the pulp Fritze and I realized that we were hungry, and started to cook a improviesierte action. Conceptually, resembled that of the action that we had already brought in Hungary once, only the ingredients were more modest. But we do not complain, since stood at the end of Restultat that was edible, so was also not our kitchen. Despite fortifying times but was finally concluded, from home to probably the second or even third runway.

13th February
Tuesday. Plan as always. Only with deviations. When I came into the final, I was already a stupid slogan on the lips, I wanted to throw bells on his head. Just saw bells on the day a bit strange. Closer look revealed that most had someone else's counter service. Hm .. strange again quickly check whether at least LordDagor was present and had I not mistaken in the week or something. I should find my confirmation that Tuesday was really only halt bell on a concert. There then ensued a very entertaining evening, which was on Wednesday for me, unfortunately, the consequence of a severe migraine cursed. No idea why, at the five beer's hopefully not have located that would indeed be a sign that I'm getting too old for such stuff. In addition, on Wednesday at some point come across a postman who probably did not feel like ringing and stair climbing, and so like so an orange card in my mailbox threw. I find so sickening, was on the day but not matter anyway, because my head was not fit for math. But to return to again Final: again nice evening, even with people who can not see the time.

16th February
Small round in the Zappbar. Arnoc was on a birthday and in Darmstadt JustJoe any way with the highest. So: first killer and me. Danny really wanted to come, but it was later and later and we finally gave up hope, get him on the night to finish in the eyes. Later came Dömsen and RedBack, making the rounds for the evening was nearly closed. 'Almost' because we at some point across the space of two by the time not more respected figures one has been issued. All the details of the following conversations would indeed probably quite interesting, but would on the one beyond the scope here and on the other I get it real together not quite, because the somewhat larger amounts of Guinness and ouzo but did not remain without consequences, what I and again to remember the next day, seems to be an annoying habit. Was definitely a nice surprise. Achso yes! Dömsen had then also managed to flog to the two one-gig card for the Amyris in gullies. But I could before I finally made their way home to bring in more experience, as it had come to the "upset" by the StudiVZ was mentioned. Ultimately, in my view, the banality, an unpleasant, but still only a banality.

17th February
Frauke was the day before returned from their social (half) year from Mexico and her mother had made a small surprise party on its feet. We were there in 1900 and were thus a once Frauke had almost got a fit of hysterics, first entertained royally. I unfortunately had to struggle a bit with the consequences of the Guinness Ouzo combination, so I could not quite enjoy the whole way, but somehow it should be all right. I kept therefore have earned the first to Antialkoholika what confused me quite looks. The result was unfortunately the usual cleavage between Frauke's classmates and those who know where else her (ie us). Since the smoking boundary runs approximately coincide, this was also significantly spatially. Although it would later mix yet, but somehow I think it's stupid anyway. At one point I was then but a late caution supporting beer a chance. And I would like to blame, it was a short time later had to come all the beer and the owl used. Later, when some had already gone, yet Peter came with new (at least for me ...) and friend Julian in tow. Julian ran at the opportunity quickly clarified some organizational matters. At some point, but then put one of the Exodus: Frauke disappeared into her room, others to the station. Before that happened, could still be found out that JustJoe finally had swung to an eye doctor / optician to get a visual aid site address, with -2.5 diopters sorely needed in my opinion. And it does not at all from that bad, certainly unusual, but not bad.

So now I've actually done it so it catch everything. From tomorrow there's the 36 hours for the 900 miles across the Republic and the statistics exam, then I can tell you again get on your nerves.

Hail to the Gun.


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