It is time again to turn off. Although I'm condemned by the technical side, so to speak, learning to not make it, I can not help this time reasonably regular basis what to write. First, I walk slowly to the summaries of the cookie, second, it is really difficult to survey the quite eventful week yet. The last point, however, my camera has been found to be useful guidance. Thus, at least I can contribute the correct date, even if I have the entire evening once lost track. So it is as often as on with another chapter from Alucard's demolition calendar.
5th After the February
but actually very successful first night in the Zappbar should happen on the weekend, strangely enough, nothing more. Whether in fact nothing was going on, or the plans are run over again to me, can not be verified, but somehow does nothing to the point. That on Monday - with a view to Tuesday - will be engaged in nothing great, has so naturalized and almost was not so surprising. Because I was bored but I've tried from the Arnoc ICQ to drag somewhere. Somehow, but not the wanted, but I thought it should come easy. Since it was my main concern in society and from my room was to come, this plan just as good as any other. Backpack, hard drive, pure, and even the bottle Wiki, the standing around here, and from the post. The little walk through Frankfurt was the way at the moment not too bad. Arriving at Arnoc, the dog was almost a first outburst, but fortunately calmed down soon, it was then placed the bottle still Wiki cold and later from the newly acquired cups (of horn and non-constant-hold must) drink . Before drinking, however, was quite a battle with the closure. Had already at the Midwinter ceremony, a bottle of mead Arnoc, Hagen and Dyron be persuaded to divulge their contents at the same time, we had this evening Problems. Fortunately, I brought bottle was fitted with a screw cap and not corked. The summit had to lock in a very rabdiate way too and we had to drink something at last is what all the hubbub was indeed gone from the start. I had wired my hard drive quickly and took over the direction of the background music. In the lively exchange with Wiki, fag on the balcony, whiskey, and finally coffee and funny dialogue, the evening was around then, until I went to 0200 on the way home.
6th February
The Tuesdays is now not so much to tell really new. It was another beautiful in the final to be, after it had this semester not even served with weekend visits, not to mention all Tuesdays. Apparently it had more devious people there who have only in the semester break time because it was pretty full. After the StudiVZ quite a lot has been said about the (lack of) crowd, I was surprised even more. It was actually just as it should in my opinion, not too full, but not so empty that it feels to be alone.
By the way: I have no idea what the two thought on the last picture. Slowly I get really doubt that I can post here with pictures and what not. Let's see when the first complained.
9th February
The planning began on Friday it figures. I sit in front of the computer and me over ICQ Killer babbles with a "play-with-me" on-tone. After much back and forth, we decided to move to the simplicity in the Zapp. Check with Arnoc revealed that he had a birthday. Further questioning of him was found that this birthday party will probably actually take place in the Zapp. Funny how things sometimes arise. Whatever. The whole story ended with me in 2100 in a not entirely unknown to me, but quite unusual sat round and the place was packed. I think we had in the meantime the whole entrance area served by bar stools to accommodate the fifteen to twenty people in some way.
Towards the end, then some better-known figures in the form of me Dömsen Arnoc and move there. Moreover, some of the usual faces and probably inevitable from the Final with were there. What fun was definitely had to take Bernwarth and rauszubekommen who "Felix, the anchor cannon" is.
Sun Now I'm still the Report for an evening of guilty, but I slowly running out of focus and because it is with writing a rather arduous task. So, be put off until later.
Hail to the Gun.
When I get home people will ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? Why? You had some junkie?" You know what I'll say? I will not say a goddamn word. Why? They will not understand. They will not understand why we do it. They will not understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.
--- Sfc. Norm 'Hoot' Hooten in "Black Hawk Down"
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