Sunday, February 4, 2007

How Long Do You Have To Keep Retainers

freak weather

I had already reported in the last review of the stormy weather in Freiberg. On that evening was then living with me in the parking lot yet to happen. Sometime in the afternoon - it was dark - I saw from my desk a bit out there have any major parts of the area . Fly I'm not sure what thought just hoping that I do not pop those things in the window. The next morning it turned out, that was a part of the roof of the nursing home across from. It had at the time then even the highest bidder insulation material distributed throughout the residential park, every bush and every tree was decorated with so funny yellow flakes.

should happen a few days later, even that with which almost no one had expected and what had brought Sir Alexander almost to despair: it was the winter, bringing snow. And not just a few flakes, but really, with slippery sidewalks, and everything is encouraged. Unfortunately the weather has so held only three days, then it began again to thaw and the matter was properly unpleasant. Snow is one thing, but slush and hidden pools that form under the snow, because the melt water does not run, since the drains so the snow clogged are already a damn nasty combination, which also provides plenty of wet feet.

much to Alucard's first report and the report on the current state of the nation. When I last Friday Railway station opened, the nightmare was almost back over, and I am safe in my luggage to the train station to come, which was of course been my main concern.

Had you toasty


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