Letzten Donnerstag - 1. Februar - stand schließlich die erste Prüfung an. Wobei das keine richtige Prüfung war, sondern nur ein Testat, das auch noch in der letzten Vorlesung und nicht im eigentlichen Prüfungszeitraum geschrieben wurde. Aber egal, wichtig sind die Dinger auch dann. Speziell dieses. Es wurde nämlich zur Zulassungsbedingung für das kommende Praktikum auserkoren. Die Vorbereitung war mal wieder etwas schwamming, da mal wieder keiner so genau wusste, was von einem erwartet wird und auch der Prof selbst keine klare Richtung could pretend. The bottom line, but everything has worked out very well, I'm not torn, as usual, the legs, blood still respected and get the thing actually pretty good on the series. So I'm going assume that it was enough for the 40 percent to pass. I hope I am wrong not, that probably would have unpleasant consequences.
In celebration of Sir Alexander survived audit opinion had then decided to pay a visit to the Booze. But I was persuaded and smooth, as it has really long, not more was because the round tables held always in the Miners, which is probably due to lack of compatibility between my classmates and Booze in the prevailing musical atmosphere may lie. In any case, was found to be in a comfortable three-round, and the beer began to flow. A few beers later we were then only two of what I had but quickly compensated by the fact that I am the guy up separately at his table and beer to go, had brought over to us. Funny fellow, who in the 5th Term mechanical engineering and an Ensiferum shirt stuck. At some point, was also the one began and then gone around us so slow with the clean up. Time to go. Highest of all time.
I was then abundant angedüdelt from shortly after 0200 in my home. I've set the alarm clock that should wake me up, I want it somehow to the should create a lecture to 0730th It came naturally as they had. When the alarm rang, finally, I jumped out of bed to get to the part of the desk and make out I would have been in almost two steps down in the face. A clear case of 'not-fully-sealing'. I then decided right before I a) falling over and then b) on my cold floor freeze to death to go back to bed, the lecture was the moment forgotten. What was forgotten was the least alarm clock pointed to a later date. This in turn will mean that I had slept not only lecture, but also almost my train that was supposed to leave the 1207 Freiberg station. Beautiful Shit. Hangover in the stress and rush to the station with heavy luggage. Fortunately, I had the most important thing the night before packed already. On the train I was totally exhausted first. What to eat, throw a pill to the cat, and close my eyes again. Everything went so fairly. Once in Frankfurt, I was back to fitt halfway.
Hail to the Gun.
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